Sunday 28 November 2010

Orange Walk and Lamanai - 19th to 21st November

We arrived into Orange Walk in the middle of a tropical storm so we were absolutely drenched through. As was all our stuff in our not-so waterproof bags. We spent the rest of the day drying off in our hotel on the river, hoping it wouldn`t flood, and eating the most delicious burritos. 

The next day we took a river boat 30 miles downstream to visit the Mayan ruins at Lamanai. On the way down we saw lots of crocodiles and a few spider monkeys. The spotting was helped by an older tourist screaming at anything and everything she saw, usually making it fly/swim/run away. The ruins were amazing, especially the temple with huge sculptures of faces on it. We also got to climb 60m up another one and could see all over the jungle, which was brilliant as lots of the sites don`t let you up the original steps anymore.

The trip back was very exciting. Halfway down the engine cut out and we were floating powerless down the river, waiting for a phone, any phone, to come into signal. Luckily we avoided crocodiles and jaguars and were rescued after a harrowing 40 minutes!

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