Tuesday 23 November 2010

San Ignacio - 14th to 16th November

Being very adventurous people, we decided to go down a 5km long cave to see some Mayan skeletons, broken pots and generally try to be brave. Anna did try hard but the sight of catfish in the same water as her did terrify her slightly. As the cave has a river going through it we had to swim and wade the majority of the way to reach the main cavern where the human sacrifices took place.

We spent two and a half hours exploring with our brilliant guide Ben (who kept reassuring us that he was trained in cave rescue) and saw loads of skulls and pots crystalised by the cave water dripping on them, the best being the `Crystal Princess`, a sacrificial victim whose skeleton was (despite the slightly dull photo above) completely glittery and intact. Also there were lots of beautiful rock formations and crystals. Anna`s favourite bit was lunch and the chocolate banana cake.

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